This post is 2 days late- but Happy Thanksgiving anyway!!!
Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love spending the day with lots of family and friends and being thankful for all the good things that have happened over the last year.
This year was not what we expected or wanted in that regard, however. We all got the flu this week and have been sick through the holiday. So no family or friends got to come hang out and be thankful with us.
I am very thankful, though.
Thankful that this sickness hit at a time when Joel is able to be home and help me with the 4 sick children. Thankful that we went to the Dr. before the big weekend and got some medicine and lots of helpful information so we could avoid the ER trip....
I am thankful for my 4 (Four!) children- that, on the whole, they are pretty healthy.
Thankful for our new big home with a backyard! (and on weekends like this, thankful for our free Wii so we can rent games and have something to do between nose blows... )
God is good to us. There is so much to be thankful for!!! Even when we don't get what we want, we have an amazing amount of good things that happen to us.
The last 6 weeks have been wild!! Babybug is growing well. He is a good baby- as long as he is being held, he is happy. ;-) It makes it a bit difficult to get things done; but I am enjoying all the cuddles. We've finally gotten back into doing school with the older 2. Life is gradually sliding into "normality", I suppose. At least as normal as it gets with us. ;)
I finally finished a knitting project! It took me 7 weeks to make a pair of socks.
That is an amazing amount of time to make a very basic pair of boot socks; but I figure, since there were days I could barely work one round, and days I couldn't even pick up the needles for taking care of children and home- 7 wks is ok. :-) I have 2 more Christmas presents to knit, then I really want to start working on some designing. I haven't done any designing for 2 months- and it's driving me crazy! My email has been getting notifications: "such-and-such magazine is taking submissions for......" I want to do it! But I have no time, and can't promise to get anything done at a certain time right now. Probably not for a long time......Oh well, at least I can knit- one round a day.... :-)
8 years ago