This last week and a half or so has been so beautiful. Portland in the Spring is a lovely place. And full of pollen. Which I admit is not my favorite. I get rather miserable with it most of the time. This year hasn't been too bad with that, though. I've been enjoying the change!
Last weekend, I took my lovely daughter to visit my parents for Mother's Day. With us went some good friends. We had a wonderful time. The weather was perfect, the food was amazing (thanks, Mom!), and baby animals were everywhere. The girls spent most of their time with the ponies and horses, though.
Something about girls and horses.... It was great. Even pony cart rides to finish the day! It was a perfect girls weekend together.
Today, I am planting a container garden with the kids. Mom sent me home with strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, mint... and the kids and I got some dirt, containers and more seeds yesterday. We were going to do a full-on vegetable garden this year- but found out that we will be moving at the end of Summer! Containers are easier to move, and this way, we'll get to enjoy the harvest.
This Spring and Summer promises to be extra busy! For right now, I'm just trying to focus on getting done with this years' school. Only 2 more weeks!!! We are so looking forward to our break. Being outside all day, gardening, playing....packing and cleaning.... Good times all around!