Thursday, July 14, 2011

The best laid plans....

What a busy busy summer this has turned out to be! I was so planning on a relaxing time: preparing for school this Fall, taking my kids to the parks, playing board games and putting puzzles together with the kids, knitting, hanging out.... Nope. Not even close.

I did manage to get somethings ready for school this Fall- as in purchase the books. But looking at them and getting the notebooks ready? Mmm, no so much. Reviewing my curriculum? Ha! Not even close. I'm now hoping that might be a possibility in August. We'll see. Fingers are crossed (when not needed, so you have a good idea of how accurate that statement really is).

Taking the kids to the parks? Occasionally. Not half as much as I had intended to. But that's not entirely my fault- it really would help in the park thing if the weather was a bit more like a normal July. It's not. It's still acting like May. We even had to turn the heater on in the boys' room the last couple nights. Usually this time of year it's the fan. Weirdness.

The knitting thing is happening. Mostly because it absolutely has to. I have deadlines. People that are counting on having patterns when I told them they would have them. It's actually going pretty well. I feel like I am way behind on the big book I'm working on, but all the testing and pattern writing is complete for the smaller book, and I'm just waiting for the photos. Details only on that one, now, and that is exciting.

Oh, a little side note here: today I got to check out a new LYS in town! A nice close one! It's on Main Street in Gresham (used to be a bridal shop, if you know Main in Gresham), and it is fixing up to be fantastic. Emphasis on Indie artists- yarn dyers, spinners, etc. Gorgeous place to hang out and chat, spin, knit, weave, crochet.... You should check it out if you're in the area. I'm so stoked there's finally a yarn store in Gresham- you can bet you'll find me there a lot..... (there's even a kids' room!!!) but back to our regularly scheduled blog now....

The hanging out thing is happening a bit, so that's good. I got to take the kids up to Multnomah Falls with my Mom and sister a week or so ago. We had a blast. The kids we so disappointed I wouldn't hike all the way up to the top with them. I made it about halfway, but packing a kid up a steep grade on bad knees is not as easy as exercising at home on my level treadmill by myself. And I had to think about going back down on those knees too.... But we had a good time.
We also got to go hang out with some family over last weekend. Eastern Oregon is a lot warmer than Portland these days. A lot more allergens there too. You'd think it was summer or something....
We had a great time. Roo absolutely loves his cousin.

So even though the summer is not going quite as I had planned, it's still good. I'm enjoying it. It's going to get wilder before it gets calmer, too. We're about 12 days away from Sock Summit! I'm so excited. I get to talk knitting to my hearts' content. And not bore the person I'm talking to half to death....

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